Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ths Week's Composition

Tahiti Women on the Beach by Paul Gauguin
Hello, everyone!
I've wanted to write for the college website for ages, that is, since I left it, but I've been very busy all the time. Anyway, here's my news, at last.
After leaving Trinity College, I went to Rio de Janeiro. There, I worked taking photographs of the whole city and its people for two years. (By the way, with this work, I won the Global Prize for Artistic Photography in 2009.) In those two years, I also sometimes travelled to the Amazon jungle, where I met Indian people and visited their settlements. There, I made some very good friends. It was a brilliant experience!
After my stay in Brazil, I spent two weeks on holiday in Gran Canaria. It was very nice to enjoy its beaches and monuments.
When I came back to London, I arranged a French course because I would have liked to work in the Gauguin Museum in Thaiti, where three new paintings by Gauguin have been discovered! But, in the end, I didn't get the job. What could I do? I look forward to a new opportunity.
As some of you know, I'm very restless and I can't keep still for long, so I thought about opening a travel agency specialising in trips to Brazil, mainly the Brazilian Amazon. The agency has already worked successfully for two years.
My main news for you is this: I'm going to move permanently to Manaus :-) It's the dream of my life!
I'm sure I'll enjoy working with my Indian friends in the Brazilian jungle.
That's all for now. Kind regards to everyone!
(NI One)

Monday, January 28, 2013

This Week's Learning English Opportunity

Estimado/a Sr./Sra.,
Por si fuera de interés para los alumnos de su Centro, le adjunto carteles informativos de los cursos de Extensión Universitaria ONLINE "English for Hospital Matters" y "Technical English in Context" organizados por la ULPGC. Agradecería su difusión. Los certificados podrán ser recibidos en el propio domicilio.

La matrícula de los cursos se puede realizar a través de los siguientes enlaces:

Agradeciendo de antemano su colaboración, reciba un cordial saludo.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

Some Advice for NI2: orals

The oral exam consists of two parts. Part One is where you are invited to speak for about 3 minutes on a specific topic. Your teacher will tell you which topic you must present. Part Two is where you are invited to interact with your partner on a given theme for about 4- 5 minutes. 
As you know, the monologue is based on the worksheet, "monologue ideas", which was sent to you 8th January.
The dialogue will be based on the following. (The ideas are taken from Liz's blog; she's the teacher of NI2A.)
Agree/Disagree Statements
State if you agree or disagree with one or two of the following statements, give reasons and examples for your opinion:

More TV channels means more variety and better programmes
TV Companies shouldn't interrupt films with commercials
Violence on TV can influence negatively on childrens' behaviour

Imagine you are interviewing each other for Time magazine. The magazine wants you to ask general questions along with unusual/different/interesting questions. Take turns asking and answering questions.

Discuss together the importance of having a good sense of humour? Is being able to laugh at yourselves beneficial, if so, how? How do you feel about English jokes and sense of humour? Ask and answer each others' questions.

Discuss together the right or not that the media have to intrude in the private lives of the 'famous.' Develop your opinions, give reasons and examples.

Discuss the health system in your country? What are the differences between private and public health care? Do you have any personal experience of one or both of these systems? Develop your opinions, give reasons and examples.

Eternal Youth
Debate with a partner the idea of using cosmetic surgery to try to keep looking young? Discuss the benefits, dangers, cost, meaning, pressure to do it etc

Vision of the Future
Discuss together your 'Vision of the Future', think about shopping, technology, health, sport, travel. Debate together, reasoning, giving examples.

Debate the following topic with your partner:
'Internet Addiction is Increasing '
State the possible reasons why, the effects, the dangers and speak of any case(s) in particular that you know of.

Dangerous Activities
Talk together about what you consider to be dangerous activities. Discuss the dangers and/or benefits of doing these activities. Have you got any personal experience of doing any of these activities or would you do some of these activities in the future?

Debate the following:
Young people today are not interested in Politics
How true is the above statement? Reasons? Examples?

This Week's Advice for NA2

The oral test consists of two parts.

Part One: Monologue. You will be invited to speak on one of the following for about 3 minutes. (On this occasion, you can choose the monologue, but in May and in Certification, the examiner chooses.)

(a) a famous historical figure who interests you;
(b) a job you would love to do / hate to do;
(c) why it's important to learn another language.

Part Two: Interaction. For about 5 minutes, have an exchange with your partner to find out about:

(a) his / her personality type;
(b) childhood memories;
(c) how he / she uses his / her time;
(d) the importance of noise / silence in his / her life;
(e) the importance of money in society.

I will choose which topic you do for the interaction.

Some Advice for NI One

Here are some ideas to help you practise the interaction part (Part 2) of your oral exam.

Find out why your partner looks ill / tired / sleepy etc (See Vocab Coursebook P 23) and give him / her some advice.
Interview your partner about languages in Spain.

What could you say to nominate your city for the City of Culture?

Organise a series of cultural events.

You are at a job interview. Person A is the person applying for the job and Person B is the interviewer.

You are in a restaurant. Person A is the customer and Person B is the unhelpful waiter.

You are in a shop. Person A is the customer and Person B is the unhelpful shop assistant.

You are on a plane. Person A is the passenger and Person B is the unhelpful flight attendant.

This Week's Language Functions

Here are some phrases to help you in your oral test, depending on the situation, of course.

Asking for suggestions:
Any ideas?  
What do you think?
What would you do?
What would you do if you were me?
Have you got any suggestions?
Asking for opinions:
What do you think?
What’s your opinion of . . . ?
Expression your opinions:
Personally, I think . . .
To be honest, I . . .
In my opinion / view, . . .
I’m convinced that . . .
I suppose that . . .

 Expressing agreement:
I (entirely) agree with what you’re saying.
You’re right!
I think that’s a great idea!
(If you say, “I’m agree with you”*, you’re a real donkey!)

 Expressing disagreement:
No way!
You must be joking!
I don’t agree with you.
I see it differently.
I don’t share your view.
I’m not very keen on that idea.








Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oral Timetable: NI One B


Tuesday 29th January
4.30 pm
Pablo R.

Thursday 31st January
4.30 pm
Lourdes S
Pablo V.

Tuesday 5th February
4.30 pm
Lourdes O.
Lourdes N.
María Jesús

Thursday 7th February
Class as usual in order to compensate for the one we missed on 17th January

This Week's Speaking Idea (Again)

For more details, click here

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

This Week's News: Exam Timetable

NI1A (Diane)
Comprensión lectora:                              lunes 21 de enero
Comprensión auditiva:                            lunes 21 de enero                              
Expresión e interacción escrita:              miércoles 23 de enero
Expresión e interacción oral:                  lunes 28, miércoles 30 de enero y lunes 4 de febrero
                                                                y miércoles 6 de febrero

NI1B (Diane)
Comprensión lectora:                              jueves 24 de enero                            
Comprensión auditiva:                            jueves 24 de enero                            
Expresión e interacción escrita:              martes 22 de enero
Expresión e interacción oral:                  martes 29, jueves 31 de enero y martes 5 de febrero
                                                                y jueves 7 de febrero

  NI2B (Diane)
Comprensión lectora:                              jueves 24 de febrero
Comprensión auditiva:                            jueves 24 de febrero                          
Expresión e interacción escrita:              martes 22 de febrero
Expresión e interacción oral:                  martes 29, jueves 31 de enero; martes 5 de febrero
                                                                y jueves 7 de febrero
NA2 (Diane)
Comprensión lectora:                              lunes 28 de enero                  
Comprensión auditiva:                            miércoles 23 de enero                                   
Expresión e interacción escrita:              lunes 21 de enero
Expresión e interacción oral:                  miércoles 23, miércoles 30 de enero y
                                                          lunes 4 y miércoles 6 de febrero

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This Week's Speaking Idea


Buenas tardes, Diane:

Un compañero suyo, después de que le explicara el motivo de mi llamada, consideró oportuno darme su email para que pudiera enviarle la información sobre nosotros.
La nuestra es una Asociación sin ánimo de lucro que promueve actividades en la Naturaleza que resulten enriquecedoras también en otros aspectos.
De ahí que hayamos comenzado a organizar el "Brunch de intercambio" que ahora le presento con la intención de, si lo considera adecuado, lo divulgue entre los alumnos del centro.
Para saber más sobre nosotros y las actividades que proponemos, la invito a visitar la página que tenemos abierta en facebook:

Asociación La Concepción de Gran Canaria
Esperando que sea de su agrado,
Reciba un cordial saludo,

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Answer Key: NI Two CD 2

1B  2B  3A  4C  5C

1  play football (professionally)  2  diet and fitness  3  spend time alone  4  plan the (whole) season  5  set a world record.

1F  2A  3C  4B  5E

1  tied up  2  (expensive) electrical goods  3  mobile  4  tall and well-built  5  in a month

Monday, January 14, 2013

NI One Answer Key: CD2

1)     1B, 2C, 3A, 4C, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8B

2)     A) scenes  b) crocodile  c) different  d) family   e) Qualifications  f) Short courses   g) fall  h) professional driver                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
3)   Speaker 1: a   Speaker 2: b  Speaker 3: b  Speaker 4: c

4)    1A, 2B, 3C, 4A

5)    1A, 2A, 3C, 4A, 5B, 6C, 7C, 8B

6)    a) newspapers  b) school play  c) vet  d) moved to London  e) drama school  f) flat
        g) producers  h) script

Saturday, January 12, 2013

This Week's Language Study

Silbo gomero: A whistling language revived



A look inside a school on La Gomera where whistling is compulsory.

On a Spanish island, an ancient whistling language that once seemed to be dying out is now undergoing a revival.
The night has not yet fallen in La Gomera, one of the smallest Canary Islands.
From the top of the hill I can see, scattered in the distance, a few old houses. To my right, a row of black trees is a stark reminder of the fires that struck this Spanish island off the coast of Morocco last summer.
I close my eyes to avoid being distracted by the landscape and make an effort to hear. I'm trying to discern, among the echo of the wind and the noise from the cars that from time to time drive along the road, the sounds of silbo gomero or Gomeran whistle, an ancient language the locals have assured me is still in use.
This method of communication, in which the Spanish language is replaced by two whistled vowels and four consonants, has a peculiarity perfectly suited to this landscape of deep valleys and steep ravines. It has the ability to travel up to two miles (3.2km), much further and with less effort than shouting.
(If you'd like to read more of this article, click here.)

Thanks to Idaira (NA2) for bringing our attention to this article.

Week Beginning 6th January

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Answer Key NA2 CD2

13.  1 warm-up (session)  2 exercise suite  3 dance and movement studio  4 basketball (drills and skills)  5 netball  6 level 3 (outdoor and indoor training courts)  7 weight-training  8 (heated) pool

14.  1 suspicious  2 76 million  3 non-wild plants/crops  4 allergens/proteins  5 (clear) labelling  6 weed killers  7 genetically-modified  8 (most) Europeans’

15. 1C  2A  3C  4B  5D  6A

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Answer Key CD2 NI2

1B  2A  3C  4B  5B

1  experienced actors  2  being prepared  3  riding a bicycle  4  read the reviews  5  confidence

1B  2F  3D  4E  5C

1A  2B  3A  4C  5B

Monday, January 7, 2013